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Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Gratis - Best Freeware Download

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Another freeware site

gratis freeware software portable

Gratis - Freeware-Guide

Large mount of freeware that you can download with free

Gratis - FreewareFiles

List Of Category of this site are :

Gratis - FreewareHome

Freeware Home is an indexed collection of FREE programs commonly found on the Internet around the globe that match the following definitions:
» freeware - Free software, often written by enthusiasts and distributed by users' groups, or via electronic mail, local bulletin boards, Usenet, or other electronic media.

» open source - Term appeared in March 1998 following the Mozilla release to describe software distributed in source under licenses guaranteeing anybody rights to freely use, modify, and redistribute, the code.

» shareware is NOT free. There is one form of shareware that is free for non-commercial use. It meets our definition of Freeware for individuals and is included in our collection

Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

Gratis - Portable Freeware

What is "portable"?
In recent years, the term "portable" has quickly come to be associated with apps that you run off a USB memory stick. However, to me, "portable" has always meant that I could easily move apps from one machine to another without too much incovenience. In fact, in the earlier days, I had my portable apps in a separate partition on the harddisk so that when I reinstall or upgrade Windows, I didn't have to reinstall/reconfigure my favorite apps. So in my mind at that time, portablity didn't involve a removable storage device at all.
Portable apps are nice because I can easily pass them to a colleague or friend ("Hey, try out this latest version of Firefox with my favorite addons!"), or help out friends when they run into problems with their PCs (eg. file recovery, network diagnosis). I can upgrade to a newer machine and have my favorite apps up and running in no time, instead of having to spend the entire day swapping CDs and reinstalling/reconfiguring apps that I need. This really made my computing life better.
Since then, I have learnt that some people actually live a nomadic computing life; that they may hop from PC to PC with only their USB memory stick; that they may be using an old machine with some incredibly old version of Windows that has never been updated; that they may only have guest access to the host machine; that they may not want to leave any trace on the host machine after they unplug their USB memory stick.
To summarize, I have learnt that the ideal definition of "portable" means:
It must run without installation.
It must run on older versions of Windows which might not have been updated.
It must not have any coupling with Internet Explorer, audio/video codecs, DirectX etc.
It must not write settings to the registry or local filesystem.
It must not leave any trace on the host machine at all, even when the app crashes (hereby referred to as "stealth").
It must run with guest access rights.
It must be able to compensate for USB memory stick drive letter changes.
I say this is an ideal definition because very few programs meet all the above requirements. If I were to stick to all these rules, the database probably won't be very useful, at least to me. And not everybody agrees that all these requirements are equally important or necessary. So I have decided that quite simply, the apps in the database are what I, Andrew Lee, consider to be portable. I will write up as much as I can about each app (dependencies, settings location, access rights, stealth etc.), and you decide for yourself whether it is portable.
As a general rule, I will consider application portability on two levels: EXE portability, and settings portability. For some apps (eg. diagnostic apps, hardware-specific apps etc.), EXE portability is sufficient. For others (eg. text editors, media players), settings portability is required.
For EXE portability, my preference is not to list any Java or .NET app. Dependencies on IE, codecs or DirectX are OK, as long as they are related to application functionality. For example, an IE-based browser or newsreader is OK, but a checksum generator with IE dependency is not. Same with access rights or path portability; it depends on the nature of the app in question. Stealth is not a factor, unless it is part of application functionality.

What is "freeware"
Defining what is freeware is equally tricky:
When does nagware cease to be freeware?
What if it doesn't really nag that often?
What if the license says it is "donationware", but doesn't require you to donate?
When does an app become adware?
Again, the purist will say, when in doubt, just don't add them to the database. But I don't like such a black-and-white view of the world. I will continue to add apps to the database that I consider to be "freeware enough", and you decide for yourself (by reading the app synopsis) whether it is freeware.

Gratis - Portable Software (1)

Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind.
Open provides a truly open platform that works with any hardware you like (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc). It's open source built around an open format that any hardware vendor or software developer can use.
The Suite and Platform is free. It contains no spyware. There are no advertisements. It isn't a limited or trial version. There is no additional hardware or software to buy. You don't even have to give out your email address. It's 100% free to use, free to copy and free to share.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Online Book Store

If you search for some computer or programming book, feel free to klik this link

Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

Gratis - SMS

We offer FREE SMS to anywhere in the WORLD

Ini kata kata yang di cantumkan pada situsnya, moga moga memang benar bisa di manfaatkan, mumpung masih gratis juga...

Bagi yang kehabisan pulsa, kayaknya ini penting deh...

Kalo masalah sms nya terkirim atau tidak, silahkan coba disini

Selasa, 24 Juni 2008

Gratis - Ilmu Komputer

Situs yang berbahasa indonesia ini menyediakan tutorial yang cukup variatif , dan mayoritas menggunakan bahasa indonesia karena penulisnya kebanyakan juga orang indonesia, adanya situs ini sangat membantu semua orang yang ingin belajar komputer, mulai basic hingga expert.
Artikel yang di sajikan bisa di download secara gratis. Semoga bisa membantu anda , silahkan klik disini.

Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Oracle Tools (1)

Allround Automations adalah penyedia Software pendukung seperti PL SQL Developer , kemudian komponen untuk koneksi dengan Database Oracle , tetapi software ini tidak gratis, alias bayar. Harga nya jauh lebih murah jika di bandingkan dengan TOAD, tentunya masing masing mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan.

Jika anda ingin mencoba versi Trial nya silahkan saja download di situs ini

Note : Software ini menemani pekerjaan saya sewaktu saya menjadi Programmer, dan saya rasakan benar benar sangat membantu, karena fasilitas yang disediakan sangat banyak.

Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

Gratis - Delphi Components (2)

Situs kali ini cukup bagus, karena komponen yang ada di sertai dengan penilaian sehingga bisa menambah bingung anda memilih....dari pada bingung, kayaknya mending di download dulu deh...sekalian untuk koleksi juga...kan lumayan tuh...
Situs ini menyediakan banyak sekali komponen dan semuanya bisa anda download secara G_R_A_T_I_S.

Gratis - Delphi Components (1)

Di situs ini tersedia komponen yang bisa di download secara gratis , antara lain adalah
THHComp (HTMLHelp)
TLUCombo & TLUEdit
TPJCBView (clipboard viewer)
Meski cuma sedikit komponennya, gratis is gratis

Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Gratis - Software Freeware (2) salah satu penyedia aplikasi, shareware dan freeware.Jika anda membutuhkan aplikasi bisa anda cari disini, kalo tidak ada tinggal tutup terus cari lagi linknya di blog saya ini...hehehe...Langsung klik disini ya....

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Gratis - Programming (1)

Udah kenal belum sama macam yang suka nongkrong di atas pilar?Kalo belum kayaknya mesti kenalan dulu deh, namanya Lazarus , dia ini masih sodara sama delphi, cuma Lazarus ini hidupnya mandiri, kalo delphi hidupnya di biayain.Karena mandiri itu, Lazarus banyak sekali bergaul dengan orang orang yang suka ngetik plus mikir , bahasa jawanya programmer lah...Karena mandiri itu pula Lazarus tidak membebani si tukang ketik...
Kalo mau kenal lebih dalam , langsung klik aja, seperti biasa masih gratis

Gratis - Software For Mobile (1)

Mau cari software untuk handphone anda? gak usah bingung deh, cari ada disini...Banyak sekali software dan games berbasis java yang bisa di download secara gratis. lagi lagi gratis nih...

Gak usah diliatin terus gambarnya....klik aja langsung

Gratis - E-Book

Kalo situs ini mungkin udah banyak yang tahu ya...
Ini situs memang banyak penggemar juga, maklum isinya pun sangat menarik, tentunya dengan yang gratis gratisnya itu...

Kalo gak percaya, langsung klik aja disini

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008

Gratis - Software Freeware (1)

Nah kalo yang ini adalah situs yang bener bener Free, tapi ada juga yang Shareware. Paling tidak banyak juga software yang free dalam site ini. Silahkan masuk aja di sini

Order Software Gratis

Anda sedang buka usaha? Ingin mengkomputerisasi perusahaan anda ?

Saya buatkan secara GRATIS untuk perusahaan skala menengah ke bawah...

Untuk detailnya bisa hubungi saya di 081 7032 89898 dengan Ferry

Bagi rekan rekan mahasiswa yang ingin mendiskusikan yang berkaitan dengan Tugas Akhir dengan topik pemgrograman database juga bisa hubungi saya.

Ready To Serve......

Online Comics - Onemanga

Mau baca komik gratisan, dari pada suntuk...

Silahkan saja klik disini

Community - Oracle Coretech Surabaya

Bagi teman teman di Surabaya, tidak perlu bingung jika ingin belajar Oracle, teman teman dari komunitas Oracle Coretech Surabaya ( OCS ) menemani anda dalam belajar bersama, sering kali teman teman dari OCS ini mengadakan kuliah tamu, seminar, dan juga Workshop yang murah, karena OCS mempunyai tujuan Education sehingga tidak ada unsur profit dalam penyelenggaraan acara tersebut.
OCS ini di support langsung oleh PT. Oracle Indonesia, sehingga sering kali pula , OCS mendapat bantuan Pengajar ( Oracle University ), tentunya tetap dengan harga yang terjangkau...

Tunggu apalagi ? silahkan saja join di

Database - Oracle Dokumentasi

Oracle ??? Database paling powerfull....
Bagi yang berkecimpung dalam dunia programming mayoritas sudah tau bahwa Oracle adalah salah satu database yang powerfull, tetapi tidak banyak juga yang bisa, mengerti , dan memahami cara menggunakannya...
Untuk belajar lebih dalam lagi, silahkan download saja dari dokumentasi oracle
Tersedia e-book ( pdf dan html ) mulai dasar hingga yang advance.
Selamat belajar....


Kontak kontak disini ya...